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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

thread the pages | a book club

i’ve been wanting to join a book club for a while now. i love to read and i love getting together with a bunch of ladies to talk about nerding out over books. a friend of mine put one together, but i found that i am just not able to commit to driving down the the meet ups, especially while nursing a baby and being a one vehicle family. so a few weeks ago i decided to organize an online book club. it seems to make the most sense since it gives me and the members the flexibility of staying in and still be able to be a part of a club. maybe while still wearing our jammies and enjoying our coffee and chatting online?
with a few social media posts and a lot of responses, my book club was born!
thread the pages book club.
can i just say i am totally in love with the name!?
i’ve never organized a book club before so i researched some guidelines in having one. there were suggestions of having a themed book club, meeting at a different members house each month, how long the meetings should be, how to choose a book – wow! i didn’t realize how much organization came with forming a book club! but after reading the helpful tips coupled with having this an online club, i definitely have figured out how i would like the group to form. and i have such great ladies on board that gives the group diversity and fun!
if you are interested in joining the book club, please email me at afoxandawolf [at] yahoo [dot] com.

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  1. Sign me up! I need some good reads and Temecula book clubs around here stink! :)

    1. Hi Lisa! Head on over to the Facebook Page and ask to join. Then you will be updated on everything!
